Vancouver City Council |
Submitted by Councillor Woodsworth for consideration at the Regular Council meeting on December 2, 2003. Subsequently, she requested consideration of the Motion be postponed to the December 9 Regular Council Meeting. Council agreed.
MOVER: Councillor Ellen Woodsworth
SECONDER: Councillor Anne Roberts
WHEREAS the City of Vancouver is committed to ensuring equality and quality of life for all its citizens;
AND WHEREAS despite the fact the City has made advances in the promotion of policies and programs that strive to accomplish equality;
AND WHEREAS it is important for the City to ensure policies and practices that are equitable and bring about the development and advancement of those residents, including women, traditionally marginalized or excluded from the benefits enjoyed by most residents;
AND WHEREAS local government, as an integral part of the national structure of governance, is the level of government closest to the citizens and therefore in the best position both to involve women in the making of decisions concerning their living conditions, and to make use of their knowledge and capabilities in the promotion of sustainable development;
AND WHEREAS the City, as a member of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, has endorsed the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA) World Wide Declaration on Women and Local Government (Appendix A) which promotes equal representation at all levels and in all fields of decision-making, covering the wide range of responsibilities of local governments;
AND WHEREAS on April 22, 2003 Vancouver City Council endorsed the BC Committee for the Elimination of the Discrimination of Women (CEDAW) Report (Appendix B) which encourages all levels of government in Canada to take all appropriate measures, in all fields, to ensure the full development and advancement of women;
AND WHEREAS the City has documented the growing crisis in the lives of women and their families in Vancouver as a result of changes and cuts to provincial policies and programs (Appendix C);AND WHEREAS the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women expressed concern "about a number of recent changes in British Columbia which have a disproportionately negative impact on women, in particular Aboriginal women";
AND WHEREAS the City has already seen a significant increase in the number of applications and representations from women's organizations seeking financial and other types of assistance in order to fulfill their mandate to support and promote the well-being of women in the city;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver establish the "Women's Work" Taskforce to report directly to Council on:1) ways in which the City of Vancouver can better assist women impacted by recent provincial cuts to programs, services and legislation protections as documents in the city's Social Planning Department report and the CEDAW motion;
2) a review of the principles, operating procedures and funding that exist to ensure that women's equality concerns are reflected appropriately throughout the City's work plan; and
3) what initiatives can be taken by municipalities, acting together and with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, to improve the situation of women, their representation and access to needed services and programs;AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force membership include Councillors Roberts and Woodsworth, one Park Board Commissioner and one School Board Trustee; staff of the City of Vancouver from among Social Planning, Planning, Engineering and the Equal Employment Office; community representatives from local women's groups and organizations serving women's needs; and academic experts; and be Co-chaired by Councillor Woodsworth and Councillor Roberts with the General Manager of Community Services and Director of the Equal Employment Office as staff liaisons.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Task Force report back in three months with a work plan, time line and proposed resources for implementation.
Appendix A: International Union of Local Authorities Worldwide Declaration on Women in Local Government endorsed by FCM
Appendix B: Elimination of Discrimination Women (BC CEDAW) Motion
Appendix C: Social Planning Report on Impact of Provincial Cuts on Women